St. Vincent de Paul is a group of men and women joined together in the spirit of charity to help those in need by providing material and spiritual assistance.
“I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and your gave me drink, a stranger and you made me welcome, naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, imprisoned and you came to see me. Lord, when did we see you as a stranger, or hungry, thirsty, naked, sick or in prison. Jesus said, “if so far as you did this to the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me!” (Matthew 25:35-41)
Mission Statement
With both open hearts and minds, we are dedicated to help those around us who are in need. We must strive to be neither critical nor judgmental of those in needs.
St. Vincent de Paul is a group of men and women joined together in the spirit of charity to help those in need by providing material and spiritual assistance. To meet the needs of those less fortunate, St. Vincent de Paul provides food, clothing, home furnishing and household items to clients. They also offer temporary financial assistance with rent, utilities, medical and other special needs. A support system maintains informative materials and contact with community resources and emergency assistance programs. Hundreds of people are touched by St. Vincent de Paul efforts throughout the year. St. Vincent de Paul meetings are held on the 1st Thursdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Major projects include an annual silent auction and dinner, and the distribution of food baskets during the Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday.
Major projects include the annual silent auction and dinner, and the distribution of food baskets during the Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday.
To meet the needs of those less fortunate, St. Vincent de Paul provides food, clothing, home furnishing and household items to clients. They also offer temporary financial assistance with rent, utilities, medical and other special needs. A support system maintains informative materials and contact with community resources and emergency assistance programs. Hundreds of people are touched by St. Vincent de Paul efforts throughout the year.