Requirements For All Youth Sacraments
· The child must be baptized; we need a copy of each child’s baptismal certificate on file. Please submit with registration (if baptized at another parish.).
· Any child baptized in a Christian tradition other than the Catholic faith must be formally received into the Church by a profession of faith and an act of reception.
· Students MUST maintain100% participation in all sacramental workshops.
· Students should maintain100% attendance at Family Faith Formation Sessions and regular Mass attendance.
An important part of the faith life of every Catholic is attendance at weekend Masses and each Holy Day of Obligation. This practice, an expectation for all practicing Catholics, will help keep your family strong spiritually as you grow in a relationship with God and each other.
· Students MUST complete ALL assignments; both FAMILY FAITH FORMATION and Sacrament.
· Parent/guardian participation in sessions is also an integral part of the preparation for each sacrament. Please prepare to be present at these sessions.
· All students, 1st through 8th grade, are required to participate in yearly ongoing faith formation to assure a continuous, systematic, and age-appropriate catechesis.

First Reconciliation
The sacrament of Reconciliation usually takes place during 2nd grade or 3rd grade. One year of previous faith formation is required. It is an important part of who we are as Catholics. It teaches our children about God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. The three Reconciliation workshops are only PART of the requirements to celebrate this wonderful sacrament. Students must also be enrolled in Family Faith Formation and weekly Mass attendance is vital to ensure our commitment as parents is prioritizing our faith first. Parent/guardian attendance is required for all sessions.

First Eucharist
The sacrament of Eucharist usually takes place during 3rd grade. Two years of previous faith formation is required. It is the ultimate gift of God’s love. It unites us as Catholics and strengthens us as one body of Christ each time we participate in the celebration. The four Eucharist workshops are only PART of the requirements to celebrate this LIVING sacrament. Students must also be enrolled in Family Faith Formation and weekly Mass attendance is vital to ensure our commitment as parents to help guide our children to become strong followers of Christ. Parent/guardian attendance is required for all sessions.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is usually celebrated in eighth grade and is an opportunity for candidates to deepen their understanding of their Catholic faith and the mission of Christ. Attendance at all Confirmation Preparation sessions and weekly Mass attendance is vital to ensure their commitment to prioritize their faith first. All students in 2nd Year Confirmation Prep must also attend a Confirmation Retreat and participate in a Discipleship Project.
In lieu of attending Family Faith Formation sessions, students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will attend Confirmation Preparation Sessions. Confirmation sessions are on a different schedule than family sessions.
Confirmation at Holy Spirit parish is now a two-year Faith Formation Program. If your child is eligible to begin preparation for Confirmation, there is only one schedule for 1st-year Confirmation Prep (7th grade and up) which is the same as the Sunday Family Faith Formation Schedule and 2nd-year Confirmation (8th grade and up) which meets two Thursdays per month.