Dear Friends in Christ at Holy Spirit, St. Helen’s, and St. Mary’s,

Shepherding has a significant role in both the Old and New Testaments. It is a clear reflection of the promises made in the various Covenants that God makes with the people of Israel and with us.

The primary Covenant in the Bible is the one made on Mount Sinai between Moses (and the people) and God who just delivered the whole Israelite nation from slavery in Egypt. In it, God makes a promise to be their protector and provider and they are to commit to being faithful to God. The Ten Commandments outline that promise. (Later Jesus will enhance the promise in the Beatitudes.)

Truthfully, every other covenant found in the scriptures is based on this first and primary one. Even the covenants made with Noah and Abraham. They are all about God being the protector and provider of the people.

So today, the story of the Good Shepherd takes the truth of this promise and its empowering covenant and makes it personal. The provisions and protection are no longer promises seemingly from afar but built into this personal relationship Jesus has with his disciples. The Shepherd “knows” his sheep. He is intimately involved with them. Later in this same gospel (John), Jesus will call his disciples friends.

Jesus desires to have a deep and personal relationship with each and every one of us. It is intimacy at its very best. It is the truest form of friendship with sincere love and care for every person.

Jesus is the total fulfillment of the original promise. He is the one who loves us. He sacrifices himself for us. He loves us and befriends us.

What then will you do with this reality? How will you let Jesus into your heart? How will you be converted by the power of His Father like love?

Fr. Tom