In the eyes of Holy Spirit Catholic Church, the sick are very precious. Those who suffer carry the image of Jesus Christ. The ministry’s mission is to confirm the “Sign of Christ’s Presence” through the Holy Eucharist.
The Ministry of Care is involved in the following:
- Visiting and bringing the Eucharist to the homebound, hospitals and nursing facilities.
- Making follow up calls to inquire about the well-being of the homebound.
- Presiding at Communion Services.
- Giving someone a ride to Mass or to church activities.
This ministry has seen a change over the last few years. A patient entering the hospital is asked if they want the parish notified that they are admitted. Today the hospitals do ask but do not call or fax because of the federal privacy law (HIPAA). We ask the parishioner and /or the family to call the parish office if you would like a visit. We do not want anyone to be upset that we did not visit; if we did not visit we had no idea someone was in the hospital. We do not want to miss anyone.