Family Catechesis is done by entire families coming together on the second Sunday of the month following the 9 am Mass from 10:10 am – 11:45 am to share, pray and learn about the faith together.
St. Helen Family Faith Formation is a unique program intended to aid and encourage parents as the primary teachers in faith formation.
In an effort as a parish to assist you in carrying out your responsibilities, our Family Faith Formation program requires the following:
• We will meet on a monthly basis
• Attendance of monthly parent-student classes
• Praying with your children
• Weekly Mass attendance
Click here to download the complete Faith Formation Schedule for 2024-2025
Family Faith Formation only requires attendance once per month for 8 months during the school year. All Sacrament Preparation sessions will be located at Holy Spirit.
• Classes are held on the SECOND Sunday of each month following the 9 am Mass from 10:10 am – 11: 45 am
• Children of all ages must be accompanied by a parent.
• While we recognize that sports help to make our children well-rounded individuals, we ask that parents not allow our children and youth to miss Faith Formation due to sporting activities.
• Parents are encouraged to help at home not only with the memorization but more importantly with the understanding of the content and purpose of the prayers.
• Most important is teaching our children to turn TO GOD in prayer.
• Practice makes permanent!
• It is the understanding of the Catholic Church that ALL Catholics are obligated to attend Sunday Mass & other Holy Days.
Sunday Mass-9 am
We do not accept late registrations for Sacrament Preparation once the sessions have started.
Click here to register online ($25 deposit required)